
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Gawler National Trust Heritage Museum


Gawler National Trust Heritage Museum

In the past year, I have held 3 presentations at the Gawler Heritage Museum, raising close to $2000 for the museum. Many people still don’t seem to know Gawler has a museum in Murray Street, so I thought I might share a ghost story to see if it generates some interest and gets some people visiting…

This building started as Gawler’s Telegraph Station and was built in 1860. Pre-internet and telephones, A wire signal was installed that allowed a tapped, morse code message to be sent to Gawler from Adelaide or Port Adelaide when the mail arrived.
Eventually, the Post office moved next door and this building became the Gawler School of Mines and the Gawler Adult Education Centre. From 1915 until 1953 it was the Commonwealth Government Electoral Office. In 1966, the building was transferred to the National Trust. It is now Gawler’s National Trust Museum.


The building is allegedly haunted by twin girls who sit on chairs on
the upper level. A witness claimed to have walked into the room and saw the little girls sitting there,
talking to each other. They did not seem to notice the living lady, and vanished before her eyes, as she
stared at them in shock!

Another ghostly occurrence is linked to the old piano upstairs, during a paranormal investigation, the piano was heard to tap out a few notes – perhaps this was a ghost playing a tune…or typing our morse code…

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