
Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Ghosts of Stanley Grammar School – Part 1: History

 The Ghosts of Stanley Grammar School – 

Part 1: History


Old Stanley Grammar School, Watervale c. 1975 [SLSA: B 31688]

The construction of the Stanley Grammar School began in 1863. The school was built by its founder, Joseph Cole. Cole founded his school in 1858, teaching from the Watervale Bible Christian Chapel. A new public school opened in Watervale in 1859 where Cole also taught.|
Cole purchased land between the school and Commercial Street on which he built a four-room private school building. In 1867, the school officially adopted Stanley Grammar School as its name. The school operated as a boarding house for boys, who were schooled there, with girls allowed access to schooling during the day. The school had a 30-acre recreation area that featured a gymnasium.[1]
 In 1871, the school was extended, with a second story, new ground-floor rooms, and further dormitories. Lessons taught included practical mathematics, Logarithms, chemistry, assaying, surveying, linear and perspective drawing, brokerage, bookkeeping, typewriting, drawing theodolite and chain surveying, music, and field subjects.

Miss Susan Roach was an assistant teacher of Mr Cole. In every room was a list of rules and regulations of the school, which were sacrosanct, and woe to those who disobeyed. Coles taught his students to read parliamentary newspapers so that they could be informed about politics when it became their time to vote. He also encouraged his students to uphold moral standards when students went home to their own districts; that a man would be judged by their actions, conduct and manner.[2] Many of his students went on to be important people in South Australia, including; Sir David Gordon, Dr William Torr, Sir John Duncan, Sir Frederick Young, H C Mengeson, J Harmer, Dr W Jethro Brown and Emile Sobels.[3]

Mr A.H.  Wehrmann recalled in The Recorder newspaper in 1949, that two school mottos were hung in the classroom. The first, ‘Let the boy learn so he may be able to teach,’ and the second, ‘Learning is wealth to the poor and an ornament to the rich.’[4]

Stanley Grammar School 1880 [SLSA: B 12274]

The building lay empty for 30 years, Cole’s daughter, Jessie, lived in the family house built next door until her death in 1949. After her passing the family belongings and property were sold at auction.[5]
the building has been utilised by the Girl Guides, by artists, by numerous owners who wanted to restore it, but it fell into disrepair. One potential buyer wanted to demolish it and use the stone in other projects. In the 1980s, it was The Three Roses Restaurant. The building was sold to Adelaide heart surgeon, Dr John Knight, who restored it to its former beauty. The property was sold to Denise and Frank Kluss in 2007, who now offer the site as a deluxe boutique accommodation.

Next week: The Ghosts of Stanley Grammar School – Part 2: Family History

Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024.

[1] 'Old Stanley Grammar School at Watervale', Northern Argus, (28 April 1949), p. 1.

[2] 'Early Teaching In Watervale', Chronicle, (29 April 1948), p. 32.

[3] Lantana, ‘History,’ Stanley Grammar Country House, (2023),

[4] 'MR. OSBORNE'S MEMORIES', Recorder, (10 October 1949), p. 3. 

[5] 'Old Stanley Grammar School at Watervale', Northern Argus, (28 April 1949), p. 1.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

The Bent Tree Haunting - Watervale

 The Bent Tree Haunting - Watervale


On the Horrocks Highway, between Leasingham and Watervale there once stood a landmark, a bent tree, which marks the spot of a tragic accident.

 Andrew Sands came to Australia on board the passenger ship Epaminondas, arriving at Port Adelaide on 2nd August 1852. Andrew was a 30-year-old Scottish-born Miner, his wife, Margaret was 28, they had (at the time) three children, David, aged 8, James, aged 4; and 1-year-old Margaret.[1] The couple had one South Australian-born child, Archibald in March 1866.


On Tuesday 2nd February 1869, Andrew Sands was thrown from his horse during a thunderstorm, near the Bent Tree, a local landmark at the time. Sands was found and taken to the Auburn Hotel, where he was attended by Doctor Wall. He was diagnosed with a severe concussion of the brain.
 On 4 February 1869, Andrew Sands died. Sands had a fractured skull, and his brain had swelled, eventually killing him. He was buried the following day 5th of February 1869, in the Auburn Cemetery, overseen by Reverend Crawford.[2]

Since his untimely death, a local legend states that on moonlit nights, the exact spot where he came off his horse, the ghost of Andrew Sands appears.  Before the time of motor cars, it was claimed that Sand's ghost would try and stop passersby. He walks with his arms out, pleading for a lift. Horses would rear up at the sight of the ghost, bolting, and often throwing their rider to the ground, just as Sands horse had done many years before.

Sand's ghost is not seen as much these days. As cars speed by on the Horrocks Highway, but every now and then, a report of an oddly dressed man, arms outstretched, as if pleading, begging for someone to stop and save him, is seen…

Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

[1] Robert Janmaat, ‘Epaminondas’, The Ships List, SA Passenger Lists, 1847-1886, (2008),

[2] 'AUBURN.', Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer, (5 February 1869), p. 3.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

A Ghost Named Clark.

 A Ghost Named Clark.


Kadina 1933 {SLSA B 8738}

 In August 1880, Kadina on the Yorke Peninsula was haunted by a ghost. The ghost was seen in the evenings. It purposefully scared women and children, jumping out from behind trees, and around corners.

 One evening, Foot Constable Murray of the Kadina police patrolled the streets. He spotted the ghost as it floated through the town and followed it. He approached the ghost, and grabbed it, expecting to pass through it - as you do – but the ghost was solid. He unmasked the Kadina spectre, a man in a white bedsheet, and took him to the police station! FC Murray may have been South Australia’s first ‘ghostbuster!’

Hosiah Clark was charged by Foot Constable Murray with ‘unlawful use of a disguise to frighten women and children.’[1] Clark was deemed idle and disorderly, he was sentenced to pay 15s for his crime and serve fourteen days in the Wallaroo Gaol.[2]

Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

[1] 'POLICE COURT—KADINA.', The Wallaroo Times and Mining Journal, (18 August 1880), p. 3.

[2] 'NEWS OF THE MONTH.', The Illustrated Adelaide News, (1 September 1880), p. 1. 

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Port River Sunfish

 Port River Sunfish

 In 1903, the Adelaide Observer reported that Mr Seymour Bagot and a small party of young men were fishing in the Port River. (The Observer, in 1908, reported the incident happened at Schnapper Point).[1] Bagot noticed a fish floating lazily on the surface of the water with a fin protruding, he described it as looking ‘like a shark.’
Bagot reported the incident to the journalist stating,

‘I picked up my gun and fired at it twice in quick succession. It immediately dived, and I headed the launch for the shore. For a time, I lost sight of the queer fish, but it found us shortly afterwards and nearly capsized the boat. Our propellor struck it once of twice; and then I shot again, and this time managed to hit it in a vital part. The chase and kill were more exciting than any shark could possibly have given.’[2]

 The fish was 7 feet 2 inches (2.1 meters) in length; 9 feet 2 inches (2.8 meters) in girth, and length round, 18 feet (5.4 meters).  Each of its two fins measured 3 feet 1 inch (0.94 meters). The distance from the top fin to the bottom was 9 feet 6 inches (2.92 meters). The fish weighed 15 cwt (762 kg).[3]

The fish an Ocean Sunfish (also known as a Mola mola) can weigh between 250 to 2000Kg. They can grow to at least 3.3 meters and as large as 4 meters in size. According to the Australian museum, there are five species of Sunfish found in Australian waters; the Hoodwinker Sunfish - Mola tecta, the Giant Sunfish - Mola alexandrini, the Ocean Sunfish - Mola mola, Slender Sunfish - Ranzania laevis, and the Point-tailed Sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus.[4]

The fish was donated to the South Australian Museum. The Register newspaper reported in December 1903 that,

 ‘Very shortly the enormous sunfish captured in the Port River by Mr. Seymour Bagot, will be added to the collection. This example and a mute swan (one of a number given to the Botanical Gardens by the late Queen Victoria) are now receiving the finishing touches.’[5]

The sunfish caught be Seymour Bagot was on display in the South Australian for many years. Although it doesn’t mention Bagot’s Sunfish, this article, written by Dan Monceaux for the Marine Life Society of South Australia Inc., records modern captures of the Sun fish in South Australia:

Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

[1] 'GENERAL NEWS.', Observer, (26 September 1908), p. 35.

[2] 'A SEA MONSTER.', Adelaide Observer, (18 July 1903), p. 24.

[3] 'A SEA MONSTER.', The Capricornian, (25 July 1903), p. 46.

[4] Kerryn Parkinson, Ocean Sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758), Australian Museum, (2021),

[5] 'ADDITIONS TO THE MUSEUM.', The Register, (22 December 1903), p. 4.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Gawler National Trust Heritage Museum


Gawler National Trust Heritage Museum

In the past year, I have held 3 presentations at the Gawler Heritage Museum, raising close to $2000 for the museum. Many people still don’t seem to know Gawler has a museum in Murray Street, so I thought I might share a ghost story to see if it generates some interest and gets some people visiting…

This building started as Gawler’s Telegraph Station and was built in 1860. Pre-internet and telephones, A wire signal was installed that allowed a tapped, morse code message to be sent to Gawler from Adelaide or Port Adelaide when the mail arrived.
Eventually, the Post office moved next door and this building became the Gawler School of Mines and the Gawler Adult Education Centre. From 1915 until 1953 it was the Commonwealth Government Electoral Office. In 1966, the building was transferred to the National Trust. It is now Gawler’s National Trust Museum.


The building is allegedly haunted by twin girls who sit on chairs on
the upper level. A witness claimed to have walked into the room and saw the little girls sitting there,
talking to each other. They did not seem to notice the living lady, and vanished before her eyes, as she
stared at them in shock!

Another ghostly occurrence is linked to the old piano upstairs, during a paranormal investigation, the piano was heard to tap out a few notes – perhaps this was a ghost playing a tune…or typing our morse code…

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Cold Case: Darren Jason Shannon

 Cold Case: Darren Jason Shannon


On Saturday 9 June 1973, 11-month-old Darren Jason Shannon was abducted by his father. Darren, known as Jason by his mother, was at his grandparents’ house at Blackdown Road Elizabeth West (now Davoren Park) when his father John ‘Barry’ Shannon, a man with a long history of mental illness abducted him. 24 hours later, John Shannon died in a head-on car crash near Roseworthy. Jason was not found in the car, or nearby, and his whereabouts to this day, remain a mystery.

Jason’s mother, Michelle, recollected in the Sunday Mail, in 2016 the day of her son's abduction. She recalled that Barry had come to the house twice that day, which was unusual, but other than that, there was nothing out of the ordinary, not suspicious about his behaviour.
 The couple had split up, and Michelle had moved back to her parents’ home. She had received custody of Jason, but Barry had received visitation rights.[1]

On the evening of the abduction, Barry came to the house. He snatched Jason from the loungeroom, and Michelle's dad, Alfred chased after him. Barry was too quick, escaping into his car and speeding off. The family eventually left Adelaide and returned to England.[2]

Jason Shannon Cold Case - Car Crash Scene (Wolseley 1300 Mk II)

Police investigations concluded that Barry could not have driven far in the two hours between the abduction and car crash. They estimated the farthest he could have travelled was Clare or Port Wakefield from Elizabeth, then back through Roseworthy. They also concluded from examining soil samples in his car and shoes that Barry had not walked in dirt or mud, or been involved in digging. The soil samples confirmed the dirt from his parents’ and former in-law’s homes but nowhere else.

 A grave was interfered with in 2005 at Church of Christ cemetery Kapunda – but no conclusive connection between the two cases has been established.[3] Police believe that Barry either disposed of his son’s body somewhere before the crash or gave him to someone else to raise in secret.[4]

Anyone with information that could assist police investigating the disappearance of baby Jason is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online at  - callers can remain anonymous.

[1] Debbie Schipp, ‘Cold case: Four decades on, what happened to baby Jason?’, The Advertiser, (August 2016),

[2] Nigel Hunt, ‘Police reveal second theory in unsolved 1973 baby abduction case,’ Sunday Mail, (31 July 2016).

[3] Nigel Hunt, ‘Police reveal second theory in unsolved 1973 baby abduction case,’ Sunday Mail, (31 July 2016).

[4] Case Profile – Darren ‘Jason’ Shannon, Crime Stoppers, (10 June 2022),

Wednesday 29 May 2024



For the size of the city Adelaide has been comparatively free from the "fire demon" for a very long time. The hot weather of the past week has however brought with it a larger number of fires than has ever occurred during a like period since the colony has existed.

The subject of our illustration was the largest fire we have ever had here. It began soon after 9 o'clock on the evening of February 5th, and before it was got under (at about 11 o'clock) no fewer than three shops and premises were completely gutted. The names of the persons whose premises were entirely destroyed were L. Veroli (insured), Mr. Barry (not insured), Mr. Haylock (not insured). Besides these the adjoining premises of Messrs. Jamieson, Lyons, and the E.S. & A.C. Bank, were all considerably damaged both by fire and water.
  We believe that fully £10,000 worth of damage was done. The thoroughfare was completely blockaded for several hours by a mass of people, and there could not have been less than 10,000 persons present. A great part of the salvage goods were stolen, whilst the furniture and personal effects were more damaged by being tumbled about the streets than by any other cause.

Mr. Richard Vaughan is the proprietor of the whole of the buildings, but we believe he will not lose anything, being fully insured. At the inquest nothing was elicited to show how the fire originated, and we suppose it will therefore for ever remain a mystery.

Besides the large fire, there has been several others during the past few days, at the King of Hanover stables, at Kent Town, in Hindley-street, and lastly at the Adelaide Photographic Company's in King William-street. Altogether, Adelaide has had enough fires to last a long time, and we sincerely hope it will be a long time ere we have to chronicle so disastrous a fire as is depicted on our front page. It is from a sketch taken on the spot.


'Our Illustrations', The Illustrated Adelaide News, (1 February 1879), p. 3.,