
Tuesday 5 March 2024

The Ghost of Cream Puff Corner

The Ghost of Cream Puff Corner


Cream Puff Corner is located at Upper Yorke Rd, Wokurna, near Port Broughton. The location got its name from two returned servicemen, Cedric Witty and David Richards, who began a carrying business at this location in 1946. According to a sign at the location,

‘When local folk asked the boys how they managed “batching”, the answer was always the same. “Real good, living like lords, we knock up a batch of cream puffs every Sunday morning.”
From then on, they were always asked “How’s the cream puffs going?”
“Real good,” they’d answer, “but we only manage them on Sundays.” When asked the whereabouts of their bachelor cottage, they’d laconically answer, “Cream Puff Corner of course!”

It has long been reported that the location is haunted by an unidentified man in a checked shirt. Have you seen him? Do you know who he might be?

Please let us know!