Phineas Philip Davies (31 March 1865 – 28 Dec 1885)
It was the first time the HMS Protector had been allowed to fire its guns in salute.
The canons fired five times, then suddenly, the ship's flags were lowered and it steamed of towards Port Adelaide.
Onboard, the crews were in full medical mode. The canons had fired, but something had gone wrong, and two crew members were seriously injured.
Daniel Cann, in charge of canon number 5 was severely maimed by an explosion of the canon and was sent to Semaphore Hospital. He survived the explosion but lost an eye and was disfigured.
Daniel Cann, in charge of canon number 5 was severely maimed by an explosion of the canon and was sent to Semaphore Hospital. He survived the explosion but lost an eye and was disfigured.
Phineas Philip Davies, on the other hand, had received the full force of the blast from the cannon breech and died on board the ship.
An inquest was held on Tuesday the 29th of December 1884 at the Largs Pier Hotel by the city coroner Mr T. Ward. The Coroner and Jury were taken to the warship to inspect the gun. Sitting alongside the gun was the coffin and body of Davies.
Master Gunner Haisom explained to the audience how the gun works, and then what they believed went wrong.
Haisom explained that Davies was positioned at gun 5, position two. Haisom had himself gone around to every gun and supplied each with a bucket of water to sponge out the excess gunpowder after each firing. He then informed the gunners they had 50 seconds to reload after each firing.Master Gunner Haisom explained to the audience how the gun works, and then what they believed went wrong.
At 12 o’clock they began to fire the guns.
The number 5 gun fired two rounds, with its crew, including Davies, preparing for shot three. Davies entered the charge, which exploded on contact. Davies had neglected to sponge the gun after the last firing, leaving lit residue in the canon, which exploded the new 10 Lb powder charge.
Davies gun commander, Daniel Canns, was subsequently accused of not delivering the order to sponge the canon between shots, something that was standard procedure.
The jury deliberated on the evidence for quite some time, but in the end, delivered a verdict of accidental death.
The remains of Protector at Heron Island in 2008 at low tide |
A memorial was erected to Davies at Cheltenham Cemetery and was claimed by the Royal Australian Navy in December 1986. The Memorial to Davies was installed as the headpiece of the South Australian Naval Memorial Garden at H.M.A.S. Encounter until the memorial was relocated to its current position in April 1995.
Front Inscription
Sacred to the Memory
Killed By Premature Explosion
Of A Cartridge When Firing Salute
At Glenelg Commemoration Day
28th DECEMBER 1885.
Aged 20.
Erected By His Shipmates
And Naval Reserve
This tombstone marked the site of the
grave of Phineas Davies in Cheltenham
Cemetery for 100 years and was claimed
by the Royal Australian Navy in December
1986. It was installed as the headpiece of
the South Australian Naval Memorial
Garden at HMAS ENCOUNTER until the
Garden was relocated to its present site
in April 1995.
(Note: Phineas Philip Davies was born on the 31st of March 1865 in Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand)
Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2018
1885 'CORONERS' INQUESTS', South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA: 1839 - 1900), 30 December, p. 7. , viewed 02 Aug 2018,
1885 'The Fatal Accident on the Protector.', The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA: 1867 - 1922), 30 December, p. 5. (Afternoon Edition.), viewed 02 Aug 2018,
1885 'THE-FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE PROTECTOR.', The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1858 - 1889), 30 December, p. 6. , viewed 02 Aug 2018,
Adelaide (S.A.). Corporation 2003, Historical walking trails, Adelaide, South Australia, City of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Madeleine Ryan, History SA, ‘Naval Memorial’, SA History Hub, History Trust of South Australia,, accessed 2 March 2018.
Scott, Jenny, 2012, Davies, Phineas Phillip, The State Library of South Australia, 2 March 2018,
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